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Nozbe for Mac

Organize your time and projects.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Nozbe overview

Nozbe is a tool that helps busy professionals and teams organize time and projects. Using Nozbe to manage your time is easy. Inspired by world-famous GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology by David Allen, we've designed Nozbe in such a way that everyone can get organized quickly. Busy people like yourself have lots of projects. Make sure to prioritize only the next actions with a star and focus on getting them done. With time-management and filtering, you'll know exactly what to do next!

View your scheduled tasks in a calendar. Never miss a deadline or appointment again. Tasks scheduled for today become your Next Actions automatically to make sure you'll get them done. Create as many projects for your tasks as you'd like. Share them with people in your team. Get things done together. Organize projects in labels like "work" or "home". Feel free to design your productivity system. Think of contexts as a place or tool - like your "computer", "phone", "home", "office" - to make sure you'll get tasks done in these places and with these tools. Organize in projects but work in contexts!

Email wasn't designed for project collaboration. When you communicate through actionable tasks, you and your team get a lot more done and everyone is on the same page all of the time. Sharing has never been so easy. Share projects with your team, delegate tasks to them (making these tasks their Next Actions) and hold folks accountable. You can add a comment to each task. Use this as a note for a task or start a discussion with your team. This will make sure everyone understands what really needs to be done. Comments are not limited to text. You can comment with checklists, images, photos, sketches, documents, Evernote notes and so much more. This will help you get your point across clearly.

Note: This application contains in-app and/or external module purchases.

What’s new in version 3.13

Version 3.13:
  • Fixed a problem with stats for completed tasks
View older Nozbe versions

Nozbe for Mac

In English
Version 3.13
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(2 Reviews of Nozbe)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Aug 8 2015
Aug 8 2015
Version: 2.2
This is awesome
Apr 21 2015
Apr 21 2015
Version: 2.1.5
This is trialware: "Free for first 30 days", then $8 per month for 1-2 people, $4 more per month for each person beyond 2.
Aug 8 2015
Aug 8 2015
Version: null