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Viz for Mac

Extract text from images, videos, QR codes, barcodes.

In English
Version 1.6
Based on 2 user rates

Viz overview

Viz is a free and open-source app that enables you to swiftly extract text from images, videos, QR codes, and barcodes using a simple snip mechanism. The extracted text can then be automatically post-processed via shell commands — for example, the text can be read aloud using macOS's built-in speech engine.

  • Viz is written in Swift language — making the app compact and efficient
  • Very quick extraction process
  • Copies to clipboard automatically, ready to paste
  • Post-processing option to execute shell commands when capture is taken. Can use the captured text via [ocr] token within the shell commands
  • Hotkeys CMD+Shift+1 and CMD+Shift+2 for starting a text or qr/barcode scan. These can be cleared out and custom hotkeys can be set by user
  • Shows copied text in a floating window, which can be set to auto-hide as well
  • Enable or disable line breaks in the extracted text
  • Append multiple text snippets to the clipboard by enabling Append option in Settings, otherwise it only holds one snippet at a time
  • Launch at login option
  • Custom auto-updater that pulls latest release notes and binaries from GitHub Releases (Viz should be ran from /Applications folder to avoid permission issues)

What’s new in version 1.6

  • Added environment .colorScheme key on top of .preferedColorScheme modifier to force text color to dark mode

Viz for Mac

In English
Version 1.6
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Jun 9 2024
Jun 9 2024
Version: 1.3
Ervins Strauhmanis
Ervins Strauhmanis
Jun 7 2024
Jun 7 2024
Version: 1.3