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Copy n Go for Mac

Versatile clipboard manager.

In English
Version 1.4.8

Copy n Go overview

Copy n Go is a clipboard manager. Unlike the standard clipboard, Copy n Go can contain a large number of items. No more continuous switching between apps. Copy everything first, then paste where you need.

  • Clip history - Copy as many items as you like in the copy history. The maximum number of items can be set in the preferences.
  • Blacklist - If you have application for which you do not want to save copied items, you can add these applications in the blacklist.
  • Search - Search in the copy history to find what you need
  • Favorites - Mark frequently used items as favourite. In the preferences you can set to only keep your favourites when stopping the application.
  • Types - Copy n Go support the following types: images, text, RTF, files.
  • Menu-bar icon - For easy access to you copy history you can activate a menu-bar icon.

What’s new in version 1.4.8

Version 1.4.8:
    A new version of Copy n Go has been released. It contains the following fixes/changes.
  • Fixed: Issue with doubleclick to paste item.
  • Fixed: Issue with drag and drop item to other application.

Copy n Go for Mac

In English
Version 1.4.8
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