This hard crashed my complete iMac! Never got this with any other app ever.
Second try, the same hard crash. I was ready to drag it into the trash but first looked into the resource. This app needs Java installed … wtf?
Booted my VM OSX, installed Java and now the app started after seconds waiting.
Dragging anything into the window doesn’t do anything. OK, found why, you have to link the source folder first. Then the destination folder. Now what? It still does not do anything, drag’n’drop does not work, the content table is empty. Pressing the convert button does not do anything.
Whats next? Reading the manual? Not found. But I could see a screenshot with .mov files.
OK, lets make sure there are .mov files in the source folder and hey presto! It showed up in the content list.
Started converting … heu? .. ‘Unsupported file format’ .. wtf? Its a simple .mov file playable with any player.
Tried 5 others .. always ‘Unsupported file format’ except one did convert.
Took a long time converting (no video copying it seems). And to get to the final act: the quality is .. well … horrible. It even removed the audio completely.
Gave up and removed it. And from what the GUI is telling me this is plain rubbish.
Just use Handbrake, it is free and works.