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Myary for Mac

Easy-to-use diary application.

In English
Version 2.5.4

Myary overview

Myary is an easy-to-use app for creating diaries, project documentation, blog entries, and any other text that should be saved in conjunction with a date.

Extensive Markup Support

Despite its ease of use, Myary offers many features and customization options to make writing as comfortable as possible. In addition, Myary is specifically designed to assist authors who use markup languages ​​(Markdown, MultiMarkdown, MarkdownExtra, Textile, Wikitext, HTML, BBCode, Smark) to compose their texts. In addition to various convenience functions for writing (automatic lists, assistance in creating MultiMarkdown-tables, keyboard shortcuts, and much more), Myary also offers an integrated preview to check the formatting.

Open Storage System

One of the most remarkable features of Myary is the way the entries are stored. Instead of saving entries into an inaccessible database or in a proprietary file format, all entries are stored in plain text-files that can be read by virtually any text program. Each entry gets its own file and is stored neatly and orderly in a place on your computer that you decide yourself. For example, you could choose your Dropbox- or iCloud-directory to save your entries and keep access to your entries from any of your devices.

Other features of Myary:
  • You can add any kind of files as attachments to each of your entries
  • Extensive export manager (exports into the following formats are possible: TXT, RTF, RTFD, DOC, ODT, HTML, PDF, epub eBook, Textbundle, Textpack)
  • Tab-actions: Define keywords that use the Tab-key as a trigger to insert self-defined text-snippets
  • Edit entries in external text-apps or send them to other apps
  • Comfortable distraction-free mode, hide everything in order to be able to concentrate completely on the text
  • Automatic saving of entries: If you take a short break while typing, Myary automatically saves the written text
  • Textbundle-Format: instead of saving your texts in normal text-files, you can also save your texts in the Textbundle-format (more information on Textbundle can be found on www.textbundle.org)
  • In addition to the actual entries, you can also write or collect small notes, ideas, things to keep in mind
  • Extensive settings for the text editor: In addition to font, size and color, you can also customize the background color, line spacing, indents for new paragraphs and much more to your personal needs
  • Color labels: you can assign to each of your entries a color label, which appears as a small star in the calendar sheet. In this case, the standard color labels of the file system are used. Using the standard system color labels makes those labels visible in other apps like the Finder
  • Integrated search: if you want to search for a specific entry or search for a specific term within entries, the integrated search function will help you by listing all entries in chronological order which contain the search-term
  • Myary natively supports Mojave's Dark Mode and also provides a dark mode for earlier macOS versions that can be easily turned on at any time. Simply select "Dark User Interface" under View from the menu bar and Myary will change its appearance.

Of course, Myary also offer the known features full-screen mode, send menu, in-text search / replace, spell check and text replacement.

What’s new in version 2.5.4

  • markup formatting can now be applied to several selections in the text at the same time. To select several areas in the text at once, the CMD key must be held down while using the mouse to select the passages to be formatted
  • new preference option for the text editor: if text from web pages is inserted into the text field via drag'n drop or copy/paste, a markup conversion can be performed automatically. This option can be activated in the preferences under Editor
  • improves the correct display of line numbering
  • improved the behavior when creating and closing indented alphanumeric lists
  • various internal improvements, optimizations and updates
Bug fixes:
  • fixes minor bugs with the display of assets in text and adding assets via drag'n drop when images contain spaces in the name
  • fixes a bug that caused the asset not to be added when adding assets to an entry under certain circumstances

Myary for Mac

In English
Version 2.5.4
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