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Medis 2 for Mac

Modern Redis GUI designed for Mac.

In English
Version 2.13.0
Based on 1 user rate

Medis 2 overview

Medis is a modern, delightful, and professional Redis GUI. It's designed and developed by Reds experts, making it trustworthy even in critical situations.

Support all key types

Mediu works great with strings, lists, hashes, sets, sorted sets, streams, and even some third-party modules like RedisJSON. With the beautiful UI, users can manage all data delightfully.

Command query

Medis provides a query view to run arbitrary commands. It highlights keywords to make everything super clear.

Tree view for key lists

Medis follows conventions of the Redis community, shows a tree view to category keys as you wish.

High performance

Medis is designed to work with millions of keys and fields without blocking servers.

Alert mode

Medis provides the alert mode to make sure you're safe when working with production databases. Every writeable command sent to servers will need your approval explicitly.

Support JSON/MessagePack/Gzip

Medis recognizes different data formats automatically so don't worry if you are using Message ack to reduce memory usage.

Binary data editor

Medis is also able to edit Binary data directly!

SSH tunnel and SSI

Medis allows you to connect to remote servers with an SSH tunnel, and it works great with SSL mode.

Online Clients

You are able to inspect online clients.

Dark mode

Of course. Medis supports dark mode!

What’s new in version 2.13.0

  • New sidebar editor
  • New quick connection switcher

Medis 2 for Mac

In English
Version 2.13.0
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Sep 5 2023
Sep 5 2023
Version: 2.12.1