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TabSessions for Mac

Change the way you manage Safari tabs.

In English
Version 1.4

TabSessions overview

Instead of having dozens of tabs opened in your browser, organize tabs into sessions. So you can close them when you don't need them anymore and reopen them anytime to be right there where you left off. Increase productivity by focusing on what you need right now without losing what you need some time in the future.

When you open a new window in Safari, TabSessions automatically creates a new session for you. When you close the window, all tabs are still saved in TabSessions. There you can change the name to better find it later. If you desire, you can also create sessions only manually (configurable in Settings). To reopen you double click on the session inside the extension in Safari and take up where you left off.

By downloading this app, you download a completely different idea of managing tabs inside your browser.

What’s new in version 1.4

  • Select multiple sessions or tabs to open or delete them at once
  • Fixes bug where most recently opened tabs weren't correctly saved
View older TabSessions versions

TabSessions for Mac

In English
Version 1.4
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