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HomeGraphic DesignOctane X Classic

Octane X Classic for Mac

Fast, unbiased GPU rendering.

In English

Octane X Classic overview

Octane X Classic is the world’s first and fastest unbiased, spectrally-correct GPU production renderer for macOS, built from the ground up for maximum performance on Apple Metal and Apple Silicon, and empowering artist workflows across visual effects, motion graphics, gaming, design, concept art and architectural visualization.

Octane X Classic is optimized for maximum rendering performance on AMD Polaris, Vega and Navi GPUs as well as Intel SkyLake GPUs on macOS Big Sur 11.1 and later.

This exclusive version of Octane X Classic for the App Store features multi-GPU rendering, network rendering (through an additional Octane Enterprise Render Node license) and Apple M1 native GPU rendering support.

Octane X Classic accelerates modern creative workflows with ACES, OCIO and deep pixel EXR rendering, a powerful node-based material, shader and scene graph editor, and the industry’s most advanced production ready AI Denoiser.

What’s new in version

  • Changed name to Octane X Classic

Octane X Classic for Mac

In English
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