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Countdown Timers for Mac

Countdown Timers for Keynote.

In English
Version 1.3

Countdown Timers overview

Countdown Timers can be used to display the time limit for test, questions or other task on any Keynote presentation.

Countdown Timers for Keynote contains 16 countdown timers animations ready to be used on any Keynote 5 or later created presentation.

Countdown Timers can be used to show the time before the actual presentation, meeting or lecture should start. Furthermore you can set the time limit for test, questions or any other task on any Keynote slide.

Countdown Timers can start countdown from 180 or less minutes (3 hours). Each timer can be used on any presentation color scheme. Moreover timers can be changed in size, rotated or overlapped with other objects to create extra effects.

Note: Requires Keynote 5 or later version installed on your device.

What’s new in version 1.3

Version 1.3:
  • Updated for Big Sur
  • Fixed issues related to missing item

Countdown Timers for Mac

In English
Version 1.3
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