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CloudClip for Mac

Sync your clipboard between Mac and iOS devices.

In English
Version 1.5
Based on 1 user rate

CloudClip overview

CloudClip Manager lets you automatically share your clipboard items between all your devices. It’s a handy menu of your recent clipboard items. And the automatic iCloud sync makes it the easiest way to transfer phone numbers, locations, notes, and more between your Macs, iPhones, and iPads. On the Mac: Any time you copy something to the clipboard, it automatically syncs to iCloud. Open CloudClip on your iOS device to access it. On the iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch: Copy something to the clipboard, open CloudClip to start the sync, and then access it from the CloudClip menu on your Mac.

  • Syncs your recent clipboard items.
  • Will ignore clips from 1Password.
  • Easily clear items individually or all at once with the Clear menu.

Global hotkey: Access the CloudClip menu with Control+Option+Command+V.

  • Requires iCloud.
  • iOS sync requires CloudClip for iOS, available in the iTunes App Store.

If things don't seem to be working properly, try the following on all your devices. (iCloud settings are found at Settings -> iCloud on your iOS devices, and System Preferences -> iCloud on your Macs.)

  • Check all your devices are using the same iCloud account.
  • Check iCloud Drive is enabled on all your devices.
  • Try restarting your devices.
  • Try disabling and then re-enabling iCloud Drive on your devices.

What’s new in version 1.5

  • Fixes for macOS Ventura

CloudClip for Mac

In English
Version 1.5
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Nov 6 2022
Nov 6 2022
Version: 1.5