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Sorted³ for Mac

Hyper-schedule your day.

In English
Version 3.8.7

Sorted³ overview

As you start integrating Sorted³ into your daily workflow, you'll notice 3 foundational benefits:

Unified Timeline

Sorted³ seamlessly integrates your calendar events and tasks into one timeline so you can manage your entire day from a single place. To make things even more delightful, you can take formatted notes, attachments and drawings on both your events and tasks inside the app.

Effortless Scheduling

Sorted³ helps you easily set a schedule for your day, and decide what’s important, what can wait, and what you reasonably have time for. You can use Auto Schedule to figure out what you can realistically get done in a day. Instead of feeling underproductive, Sorted³ helps you set attainable goals that you can accomplish.

Built-in Flexibility

Even when properly scheduled in advance, days don’t always go as planned! Sorted³ is built with that flexibility in mind to adjust to your changing schedule. It's as dynamic as your day, with smart features such as Magic Select and our signature Time Ruler to help you shift things around with a few taps.

On top of all these, there are various other functionalities to make your experience more fun and seamless across all your devices:

  • New Widgets for macOS Big Sur
  • Auto Backup
  • Timeline view
  • iCloud Sync
  • Powerful repeat rules
  • Light & Dark Themes
  • Natural Language Processing
  • URL Scheme
  • Siri Integration
  • And much more

What’s new in version 3.8.7

  • Bug fixes and enhancements.

Sorted³ for Mac

In English
Version 3.8.7
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