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osquery for Mac

Query your devices like a database.

In English
Version 5.12.2

osquery overview

osquery uses basic SQL commands to leverage a relational data-model to describe a device.

Processes running without a binary on disk

Frequently, attackers will leave a malicious process running but delete the original binary on disk. This query returns any process whose original binary has been deleted, which could be an indicator of a suspicious process.

Three things you should know about osquery
  • It's fast and tested: Our build infrastructure ensures that newly introduced code is benchmarked and tested. We perform continuous testing for memory leaks, thread safety, and binary reproducibility on all supported platforms.
  • It runs everywhere: Windows, macOS, CentOS, FreeBSD, and almost every Linux OS released since 2011 are supported with no dependencies. osquery powers some of the most demanding companies, including Facebook.
  • It's open source: Osquery is released under the Apache License. Ever since we open-sourced it in 2014, organizations and individuals have contributed an ever-growing list of impressive features, useful tools, and helpful documentation.

What’s new in version 5.12.2

Bug Fixes
  • Revert Don't add ATC table name to registry until after sqlite DB initialization #8233 (#8334)
  • CI: Fix macOS python dependencies install step (#8308)
View older osquery versions

osquery for Mac

In English
Version 5.12.2
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(1 Reviews of osquery)

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May 3 2023
May 3 2023
Version: 5.8.2
I finally found a use for OSQUERY. Or perhaps I should say, found a product that uses it: Vanta. Vanta is a SOC 2 compliance tool that once installed on a workstation, monitors for "un-binaried" processes (processes for which there isn't an app; malware) and other items that may raises suspicions. Vanta is effectively spyware, so I'd only put it on company-provided hardware, and there isn't (to my knowledge) any end-user purpose. Still, OSQUERY is the basis for how Vanta works. There may be some applicability for geeky types who wish to dig into the innards of their macOS.
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