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HomeVideoAiseesoft Mac Screen Recorder

Aiseesoft Mac Screen Recorder for Mac

Record your videos and audio played on computer.

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Aiseesoft Mac Screen Recorder overview

Aiseesoft Mac Screen Recorder makes it easy to record any video or audio played on Mac. The powerful video recording function allows you to save almost any video to your computer, such as video tutorials, online conference, gameplays, video/audio calls and more. You can choose to record system audio of your computer or microphone voice.

Key features:
  • Record video, capture audio, take snapshots. Aiseesoft Mac Screen Recorder is a professional video recording app. You can set recording area in full screen or customized screen size to record videos with high quality. Besides, you can record any music, radio, audio call and take a snapshot as per your needs.
  • Choose audio source as you like. You can choose to record the system sound or microphone voice or both according to your need. You can save the recorded audio in MP3/WMA/AAC/M4A for easy playback. This audio grabber can save any audio from your Mac computer, including audio track in MV, voice in teaching videos and more.
  • Edit video/snapshot, record window. This Mac Screen Recorder allows you to edit video/snapshot while screen recording, you can also draw new labels to output file. In addition, you are able to record window on your computer and you could choose to record single window or multiple windows as you like.
  • Highlight the mouse cursor as you wish. This is especially useful when you make video presentations. You can highlight the mouse cursor to make your action easier to be tracked on screen. Also you can define the color and the shape of the highlight.

What’s new in version

  • Fix known bugs and optimize the program
View older Aiseesoft Mac Screen Recorder versions

Aiseesoft Mac Screen Recorder for Mac

In English
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