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Sally for Mac

Transfer files without cables.

In English
Version 1.2

Sally overview

Sally lets you transfer files between Mac and mobiles in high speed without USB cables, Bluetooth, even without internet connection, working for large files.

  • Transfer files between Mac and mobile devices in high speed
  • No Bluetooth, USB cable needed
  • No need to sign up accounts
  • No need to install any app on mobile device, just use web browser
  • No Internet connection needed, files are tranfered in LAN (Local Area Network) via Wi-Fi
  • Upload files from mobile devices to Mac to any folder you choose directly
  • Share text between Mac and mobile devices instantly
  • Manage files as many as you like
  • Support most mobile devices including Android Phone, iPhone, iPad, Windows Phone
  • Transfering files between PC and Mac works as well

What’s new in version 1.2

Version 1.2:
  • Fixed: Crash after delete the actual shared files, folders, or upload location folders
  • Fixed some security issues

Sally for Mac

In English
Version 1.2
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