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HomeLifestyle & HobbyTV Streamer for Samsung TV

TV Streamer for Samsung TV for Mac

Play media on your TV (was TV Streamer for Samsung TV, Panasonic TV, Sharp TV).

In English
Version 2.2.5

TV Streamer for Samsung TV overview

TV Streamer for Samsung TV (was Play On TV, then was TV Streamer for Samsung TV, Panasonic TV, Sharp TV) is designed to make playing media on your TV simple and easy! You can easily stream your video or music files from your Mac computer to your TV for playback instantly!

How to make it work:

  • Make sure your Mac and your UPnP/DLNA device are connected to the same network (by wired or wireless).
  • Open this app and select your UPNP/DLNA device, such as your TV from the list, then drag and drop your video or music files into the main window.
  • You should see your video or music starting to play on your TV.

What’s new in version 2.2.5

Version 2.2.5:
  • Fixed audio streaming issue

TV Streamer for Samsung TV for Mac

In English
Version 2.2.5
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