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BuildBox for Mac

Drag-and-drop game builder. No coding required.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

BuildBox overview

Buildbox is the world's first software that truly allows anyone to create amazing games regardless of technical skill. Due to its unique user interface, making games becomes a fluid process that doesn't require any scripting, programming, or software-design experience.

Creating games is as easy as dropping images into the software, making changes to their properties, and hitting play. Every tool you need to complete your game is included inside Buildbox. You have access to complete management of your assets, integrated level editor, game-menu system, advanced ad and in-app purchase solution, font editor, gameplay settings, and more.

  • Anyone Can Create Games - For the first time, anyone can make games without having a technical bone in their body. Buildbox lets you make games as easy as a powerpoint presentation.
  • Build New Gameplay Types - Using Buildbox’s infinity engine you can control real world physics and gameplay by moving sliders. Make classic game styles like platformers or build something totally unique.
  • Special Effects and Power-Ups - Quickly create cool indie effects with lighting and trails. Easily add a multitude of power-ups to your game like invincibility, coin magnets, kill all enemies and more.
  • Build Once, Play Anywhere - Once you finish your game, instantly export it to over a dozen different platforms. Have your game on dozens of app stores, on Mac, Windows, iPhone, iPad, Android, Amazon Fire Phone, Amazon TV, OUYA and more.

Note: The published price is the equivalent of the monthly cost of an annual subscription, paid annually. Full pricing info can be found here.

What’s new in version

  • Resolved a crash bug when right-clicking UI Screen objects and changing their layering
  • UI Screen objects can be reordered in the outliner as expected
  • The Link File button at the bottom JavaScript nodes once again works as expected
  • The Undo Action (Ctrl-Z) no longer requires multiple activations to undo several complex actions
  • Grouped Nodes connect properly to other Nodes
  • Grouped Event Nodes properly update connections on the Mind Map
  • Sub Scene Textures no longer get unexpectedly duplicated
  • Cut (Ctrl-X) objects can be pasted (Ctrl-V) back into the Scene
  • Double-Clicking on a JavaScript Node opens up the code editor
  • Resolved issue where COPPA popup improperly interfered with export process

BuildBox for Mac

In English
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(1 Reviews of BuildBox)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Oct 5 2020
Oct 5 2020
I can't get this product to run. I attempted to sign in using Google, but the redirect didn't succeed back to the app. HATE web login methods by the way. After that, I forced quit, and relaunched. Now I can't get a screen up. Running Big Sur BETA 9, so perhaps it's 32 bit?
Apr 8 2018
Apr 8 2018
Version: null