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ImageConvertPro for Mac

Batch image processor.

In English
Version 1.35.25

ImageConvertPro overview

With ImageConvertPro, easily adjust the size of your images, rotate them, add a watermark, or rename and export them.Export images in several formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF, TIFF, TGA, XPM, XBM, and PPM.

Batch Convert
Choose several pictures or add a folder to rotate them, change their size, add watermarks, or rename and convert them to many image formats.

Rotate your images 180 degrees, 90 degrees CW, and 90 degrees CCW, and then choose to flip them vertically or horizontally.

Resize and crop are at your disposal. Aspect ratio can be maintained; you can change your image size, or crop an image from any area on your picture.

Select you text or image to watermark. Set the font and color of the text, or select an image to mix it. Watermark position, rotation angle and transparency can also be set.

Use this format: "newname####" and set the start number. Use the batch mode to change file names in any sequence.

Convert to many Formats
Export your image in the original format or select JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF, TIFF, TGA, XPM, XBM, or PPM. Set the quality and save to your location.

What’s new in version 1.35.25

Version 1.35.25:

Note: Although Finder indicates no version number for this application, the developer refers to it as version 1.35.25.

  • Compatible with OS X 10.10 Yosemite
  • A few bugs fixed

ImageConvertPro for Mac

In English
Version 1.35.25
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