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Hourguard for Mac

Track hours worked and create invoices.

In English
Version 1.45

Hourguard overview

Hourguard is a free automatic timesheet recorder for Mac OS X. It allows you to track the hours you have worked on one or many projects and create invoices when finished. Features include: Ability to task structures by breaking your projects down into sub-tasks. Save, print or email reports for billing purposes Creation manual timesheet entries when the task involves time away from the computer. Ability to start timing automatically when the computer becomes active from sleep.

What’s new in version 1.45

Version 1.45:
  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

Hourguard for Mac

In English
Version 1.45
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(1 Reviews of Hourguard)

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  • User Ratings

Jan 30 2013
Jan 30 2013
Version: 1.24
For the most part, this AP is simple to use, but I am stymied by one problem. For a year I have entered time with careful notes in the "note" section. But when the report aggregates, the notes don't show and the "Help" section shows nothing about "notes."
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