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Done for Mac

Not a todo app. Track the tasks you've done.

In English
Version 2024.6.2

Done overview

Done is a minimal macOS menu bar app dedicated to tracking your completed tasks. Unlike traditional to-do apps, Done focuses on what you’ve already achieved, helping you keep a clear record of your accomplishments.

Whether you’re tracking tasks related to a work project, indie development, customer initiatives, or personal achievements, Done makes it simple to log your completed work efficiently.

Traditional to-do apps are all about things you still need to do, and once you do them, the task often disappears and is gone from your records. Done allows you to log your completed tasks as you go so you can log your data and visualize your accomplishments.

Key Features:
  • Unobtrusive and Lightning Quick: Done lives in your menu bar, providing immediate access to log tasks with a single click.
  • Automatic Time Logging: The time of entry is recorded automatically, with optional time spent tracking.
  • Tagging System: Assign tasks to specific projects or categories using customizable tags.
  • Visual Insights: SwiftUI Charts provide visual representations of your task activity, showcasing distribution, time spent, and tag types over the last 7 days.
  • Data Export: Export your logged tasks as CSV, JSON, or Text files to share with your team or report to your manager.
  • Shortcuts Support: Integrate task logging into your workflows with the built-in Siri Shortcuts support.
  • Apple Reminders Integration: Sync your completed Apple Reminders tasks

What’s new in version 2024.6.2

  • Added delete operations to context menus
  • Improved Apple Reminders sync
  • Minor UI updates
  • Bug fixes

Done for Mac

In English
Version 2024.6.2
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