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Vimo Rebinder for Mac

Boost Keyboard Operation.

In English
Version 1.7.2
Based on 1 user rate

Vimo Rebinder overview

Vimo Rebinder helps you easily memorize and efficiently use keyboard shortcuts, boosting your productivity.

Perfect for:
  • Streamlined Application: Use shortcuts with minimal hand movement, staying focused on your tasks.
  • Focused Workflow: Maintain continuous keyboard operation without distractions.
  • Effortless Memorization: Remember 100+ shortcuts with only 10-15 simple letter.
  • Optimized Layout: Arrange shortcuts for easy, single-handed use.
  • Platform Unification: Use the same shortcuts across different platforms.
Key Features:
  • Simplified Shortcuts: Use a modifier key plus a few keystrokes, like typing a word.
  • Efficient Usage: Bind 36 shortcuts with just 7 keys for a more efficient system.
  • Categorization: Group similar shortcuts for easier memorization.
  • Repeater Function: Repeat the last shortcut to enhance typing efficiency.
  • Seamless Integration: Smoothly integrate with your current shortcut systems.

What’s new in version 1.7.2

  • Fix subcategory display issues

Vimo Rebinder for Mac

In English
Version 1.7.2
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Vimo Rebinder
Vimo Rebinder
Dec 2 2023
Dec 2 2023
Version: 1.1.1