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LocalSend for Mac

Cross-platform file sharing to nearby devices.

In English
Version 1.15.4
Based on 2 user rates

LocalSend overview

LocalSend is a free, open-source, cross-platform app that allows you to securely share files and messages with nearby devices over your local network, without needing an internet connection.

What’s new in version 1.15.4

  • feat: add button to retry a failed file transfer (@Tienisto)
  • feat: show tooltip on the "Scan" button (@Tienisto)
  • feat: treat any URI as link, so it becomes clickable on receiver (e.g. file://, obsidian://) (@Tienisto)
  • feat(mobile): adjust button width in send tab to indicate that it's scrollable (@Tienisto)
  • feat(windows): title bar color should match the system theme (@FutoTan)
  • fix: memory leak when sending files (regression in 1.15.0, 1.15.2 only fixed receiving files) (@Tienisto)
  • fix(windows): LocalSend window is invisible at app start (@Tienisto)
  • i18n: distinguish between "Exit" and "Quit" depending on the platform (@sergd88)
  • i18n: add Hindi (@rishi-singh26)

LocalSend for Mac

In English
Version 1.15.4
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Aug 26 2023
Aug 26 2023
Version: 1.10.0
Ervins Strauhmanis
Ervins Strauhmanis
May 17 2023
May 17 2023
Version: 1.9.1