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Maigic Book for Mac

Never-ending AI-powered customised stories.

In English
Version 1.0.2

Maigic Book overview

Looking for a unique and engaging way to entertain yourself? Look no further than Maigic Book. With just a few taps, you can create personalized, one-of-a-kind stories in your preferred genre, length, and even specific elements.

Maigic Book uses AI to craft unique and engaging stories based on the parameters introduced by the user. These parameters can include the desired audience for the story, the length, the genre, and specific elements or themes that the user would like to see incorporated into the tale.

By combining AI technology with these user-specified parameters, we are able to generate an endless stream of personalized and highly enjoyable stories.

Additionally, Maigic Book features beautifully illustrated depictions of each tale, adding an extra layer of magic and immersion to the experience. And with the option to keep adding new chapters or twists to existing stories, the entertainment truly never ends.

Bring your imagination to life with this endless entertaining tool.

Available for iPhone, iPad, and Mac.

What’s new in version 1.0.2

  • Access your stories from all your devices
  • Added support for German language
View older Maigic Book versions

Maigic Book for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.2
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