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HomeMusic & AudioLooking Glass for Apple Music

Looking Glass for Apple Music for Mac

Control Music from menu bar.

In English
Version 1.3.3
Based on 1 user rate

Looking Glass for Apple Music overview

With Looking Glass you can control playback from the Music app and save the current track to your library. You can also search for tracks, albums, artists, playlists, and recommendations and start playing them right away.

The app can be reached from the menu bar or with the mini player and keyboard shortcuts, which you can customize from the Preferences window. The mini player window provides additional shortcuts:

  • "s" or space bar: toggle playback
  • "a" or left arrow: jump to previous track
  • "d" or right arrow: jump to next track
  • "l": love the current track and add to Library (if the the option is enabled from Preferences and you're running macOS 12)
  • "r": reveal the current track in Music window

What’s new in version 1.3.3

  • Fixed PNG artworks support

Looking Glass for Apple Music for Mac

In English
Version 1.3.3
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(1 Reviews of Looking Glass for Apple Music)

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  • User Ratings

Aug 26 2022
Aug 26 2022
Version: 1.3.3
This is the ONLY app that allows "Loving" a song in Apple Music without digging through menus. It simplifies Music in a way that Apple never has -- I still can't figure out how to use the Mini Player and the full size player properly, but everything is here. It took 5 minutes to figure it ALL out. WTF Apple — why couldn't YOU do this? I love this app, and it's only 99¢. It also collects NO data. What's not to love? This is a true gem. Thanks, Dev!
Aug 26 2022
Aug 26 2022
Version: 1.3.3