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upMonitor for Mac

CPU/process monitor for macOS.

In English
Version 1.0

upMonitor overview

upMonitor allows users to track their CPU activity. With upMonitor, you can see which processes take up he most CPU time. It is ideally suited for developers and pro users, who need to track CPU resources. Users can use flexible customization options to tweak how they want to see the CPU usage.

  • open source repo available at Github
  • shows the total CPU usage in the menubar with flexible customization options including: bars or dots, color palette, refresh rate, CPU granularity and more
  • lists top 15 most CPU intensive processes
  • process details including: arguments and environment variables, pid, ppid, prio, stat, flags
  • process info including: lsof, nm, sample

What’s new in version 1.0

  • Initial release

upMonitor for Mac

In English
Version 1.0
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