FMail2 for Mac
The free Mac application for Fastmail users.
The free Mac application for Fastmail users.
FMail2 is a macOS application for Fastmail users.
FMail2 is a shell around the Fastmail website, so it will look like Fastmail in Safari. But because it is a native macOS application, you can enjoy the extra benefits. FMail2 is an all Swift application, taking little resources on your system and runs natively on Apple Silicon. Checking email is independent of the view chosen, as FMail2 uses JMAP to update this kind of information. Use windows and tabs to quickly access the Fastmail parts you need often. When you restart FMail2 all the windows and tabs will appear as before.
Please take a moment to explore all the available features here.
Note: The program is free to use and without any warranty.
Note: While the software is classified as free, it is actually donationware. Please consider making a donation to help support development.