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OneTask for Mac

Task reminder.

In English
Version 1.04

OneTask overview

OneTask is designed to help you keep track of and focus on a single task or goal that really needs to be taken care of like calling the dentist, responding to an important email, writing your TPS report, and so on. OneTask does this by letting you define a task and place it prominently on your Mac’s menubar for a visible reminder to get whatever it is done.

  • Enter a task and have it appear in the menu bar using a global keyboard shortcut
  • Clear the task using a global keyboard shortcut
  • Choose whether or not to set a aural or visual task reminder that triggers on a recurring basis
  • Choose whether or not to run OneTask each time your Mac starts up
  • Very lightweight and uses minimal system resources

What’s new in version 1.04

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

OneTask for Mac

In English
Version 1.04
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