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HomeCustomizationiBoysoft MagicMenu

iBoysoft MagicMenu for Mac

A right click enhancer to customize Finder context menu on Mac.

In English
Version 4.0

iBoysoft MagicMenu overview

iBoysoft MagicMenu serves as a versatile Mac right-click enhancer, aiming to customize your Finder context menu and enhance your workflow. As a practical Mac right-click booster, this utility permits you to add new and improved functionalities including new file creation, file copying/moving, quick access to websites or directories, complete app uninstallation, duplicate file detection, similar photo cleanup, image conversion, file compression, screen capture, permanent file deletion, file launching with various apps, and more directly to the right-click control panel, which greatly enriches your right-click options. In simpler terms, it enables you to create different types of new files (including TXT, RTF, Doc, XLS, WPS, PPT, Keynote, Markdown, Numbers, Pages, and the like), quickly copy/move files to a target location, quickly access files, apps, and webpages that are frequently used, completely uninstall the unwanted applications and their associated files, locate and clean up the duplicate files and similar photos, convert various formats of images to PNG, JPG, or WEBP, and much more—all with a single right-click.

What’s new in version 4.0

  • Brand-new UI.
  • Allow users to self-design context menu with Menu Editor.
  • Release a free version: iBoysoft MagicMenu Lite.

iBoysoft MagicMenu for Mac

In English
Version 4.0
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(1 Reviews of iBoysoft MagicMenu)

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Dec 24 2022
Dec 24 2022
Version: 3.0
This looks interesting, and I *might* consider paying $20 US for it, but there's no way I'm paying that much per year for such a simple app, especially considering it's had three updates in two years (according to their website).
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