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DNoteIt for Mac

Markdown text editor.

In English
Version 1.1
Based on 1 user rate

DNoteIt overview

DNoteIt is innovative Markdown text editor. It works in hybrid mode, in which markup’s font sizes and styles match the intended output, with links and images previewed inline. This gives you nice WYSIWYG-like editing experience while writing in Markdown.

Hybrid editing mode

DNoteIt offers powerful syntax highlighting, with support for variable width and size fonts, margins and inline preview for embedded images and links. This can make the source markup look very similar to the final output.

Built-in Web preview will show you the final output by transforming the markup to HTML without you leaving the app. Both syntax highlighting and preview can be styled using CSS.


Each page is stored as a separate document file that contains text markup, metadata and any embedded image. This makes it fully self-contained format that you can share or synchronise by any file-base mechanism your Mac or iPhone/iPad supports (e.g. iCloud, DropBox, SharePoint, etc.).

DNoteIt documents are automatically versioned, made searchable via Spotlight full-text search and can be easily organised in folders or using tags.

Your documents will always stay 100% yours. DNoteIt document is just a ZIPed up folder with all its content freely transformable to any other application. Although you can choose to share documents over the cloud, DNoteIt is designed to work independently of any cloud service.

Multi-device but Native

App’s user interface has been specifically created and tweaked for best usability to fit each type of a device. Therefore, DNoteIt running on a Mac will work like proper desktop app, whereas DNoteIt on iPhone will feel like a mobile app.

DNoteIt tries to leverage any native functionality and service offered by respective OS platform, such as scriptability, share extensions, previews and spell checking.

Publishing workflow

DNoteIt and TextSer work together to publish documents to the web. TextSer offers easy to use, yet very configurable way to create a publishing workflow using Automator actions. One common example is to use DNoteIt to write content for your web page or blog and then let TextSer transform it to HTML+CSS+images which is then hosted on the github.

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:
  • Support for retina images
  • Live preview
  • Improved publishing support

DNoteIt for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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Nov 25 2021
Nov 25 2021
Version: 1.1