Accelerate your workflow with the Quick Look conveniences that only Peek can deliver: copying, searching, jumping, scroll restoring, syntax highlighting, & more.
- Copy text, jump to lines/pages, & search documents from Quick Look previews in Finder & other friendly applications.
- Brings popular system keyboard shortcuts to Peek-supplied Quick Look previews: select all, copy, search, jump to line, scroll to end/beginning of document.
- Supports Github-style Markdown with an optionally generated table of contents:
- Use absolute and relative local filesystem links.
- MathJax with Tex input (full inline support utilizing a bespoke cmark extension).
- Use a Quick Action to quickly rename a PDF document to an .ePDF document to search or copy text, more easily navigate pages, & preview using Dark mode themes.
- Force click on terms to launch the Look Up functionality.
- Preview sizes from 5KB to 1MB (excluding property list files).
- Save and restore scroll positions-continue pursuing where you last left off.
- Syntax highlighting with automatic language detection for the most popular programming languages.
- Customize your preview experience with over 70 different light & dark themes.
- Optionally include line numbers in source code previews.
- Customize syntax highlighting styles in a bespoke CSS stylesheet.
- Peek attempts to support previews for the most common file types, including those not currently supported:
- Cartfile, Podfile, .gitignore, .swiftlint.yml, .xcconfig, .swift, .c, .py, and many more. Visit Peek's website for the most up-to-date list of compatible files.
Due to system limitations, Peek is ~NOT~ able to support the following documents, not limited to: plain text (.txt, .text), rich text (.rtf, .rtfd), HTML/XML/web archives (.html, .xml, .webarchive), TypeScript (.ts), Adobe suite (.pdf), Microsoft Office (.csv, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx), OpenDocument suite (.odt, .ods, .odp), nor any Apple iWork documents (.pages, .numbers,.key).