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Penc for Mac

Trackpad-oriented window manager.

In English
Version 1.0.0
Based on 1 user rate

Penc overview

Penc is a window manager app for macOS. Instead of complicated keyboard shortcuts, Penc is designed for trackpad usage.

  • Double press and hold Command Key (⌘) to activate Penc
    • Drag with two fingers to move the window
    • Pinch with two fingers to resize the window
      • Pinch vertically to make the window taller/shorter, or horizontally to make it wider/thinner
    • Fast swipe with two fingers to snap the window into halves/quarters
  • Release Command Key (⌘) to take effect

What’s new in version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0:
New Activation UX & UI:
  • When Penc is activated, it displays a fullscreen overlay that indicates all of the windows visible on your current screen. Now you can move & resize multiple windows in a single activation just by moving your cursor on the window you want.
Action Customization:
  • You can now customize resize dimensions of actions according to your screen. It supports multiple screens too. If you have a second widescreen monitor, you can set to resize a window's width as 1/3 of your screen when swiped left, just for that screen.
Simultaneously Resize Adjacent Windows:
  • When you resize a window from its edges & corners, Penc now resizes all the snapped and adjacent windows.
Right-Click to Minimize & Double-Click to Fullscreen:
2 new actions added to Penc:
  • Tap with two fingers (right-click) to minimize a window
  • Double-tap (double-click) to make a window fullscreen
Keyboard & Mouse Support:
When Penc is activated and a window is selected, with your keyboard:
  • Press arrow keys to snap the window into halves/quarters
  • Press enter key to toggle fullscreen
With your mouse:
  • Drag the window from its body and throw it to the direction you want to snap
  • Mouse wheel to resize the window
  • Double-click to toggle fullscreen
  • Right-click to minimize
Other improvements and fixes:
  • When resizing or moving a window, it automatically aligns to other windows
  • Improved double keypress logic to prevent undesired activations
  • Improved swipe detection
  • Added an option to show window size
  • After activation completed, do not bring all the windows of the focused app to the front

Penc for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.0
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(1 Reviews of Penc)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Sep 15 2021
Sep 15 2021
Version: 1.0.0
It's cool! It works smoothly on 11.6, after you provide it with the Accessibility preference. Interesting concept, a little different to your normal window managers.
Sep 15 2021
Sep 15 2021
Version: 1.0.0