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Lightspeed for Mac

432Hz/Pythagorean Tuning Music Player.

In English

Lightspeed overview

Lightspeed is a music player that plays your Apple Music library in 432Hz/Pythagorean Tuning. This sounds more harmonious and is pleasing to your mind and ears

Pythagorean Tuning came about over 2000 years ago and was the tuning used when music was originally invented. It's harmonious than the world's 440Hz tuning which came about from Germany in the 40s and is dissonant

It even contains crystalline frequencies which balance all of the chakras and energy systems in the body, according to Eastern medicine

What’s new in version 1.0.2

Version 1.0.2:
  • Bug fixes
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Lightspeed for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.2
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(1 Reviews of Lightspeed)

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Apr 22 2021
Apr 22 2021
Version: 1.0.2
Being a scientist, a musician and sound engineer, I can assure you that the 432 Hz craze is pure BS based on absolutely nothing, neither music history (https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diapason#%C3%89volution) nor science or any supposed "frequency of the universe"... :-D That said, you're of course totally free to give your money to anyone, but if you're a music lover, you don't want your music detuned in any way by a 0.4 Mb app: imagine the calculations involved in checking every song against a different tuning and then detune each song accordingly with a high quality engine. All that in 0.4 Mb, Waow! The best we can hope is that such an app just grabs money and does nothing to file contents. ;-)
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