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DevDocs for Mac

Multiple documentation APIs in one GUI app.

In English
Version 0.7.2

DevDocs overview

DevDocs.io combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface. This is an unofficial desktop app for it

  • Background behavior - When closing the window, the app will continue running in the background, in the dock. Right-click the dock/tray icon and choose Quit to completely quit the app. On macOS, click the dock icon to show the window
  • Build-in shortcuts - devdocs the website itself has great built-in shortcuts support, just check the help page in the app

What’s new in version 0.7.2

Version 0.7.2:
  • Upgraded to Electron 12, so it could run on Mac M1.
  • Now the Mac app is not signed due to that my mac app developer program has expired and I've no intention to renew it

DevDocs for Mac

In English
Version 0.7.2
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