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HomeSystem UtilitiesPermissions Reset

Permissions Reset for Mac

Restore file permissions based on file type, including nested items.

In English
Version 2.0b8

Permissions Reset overview

Permissions Reset attempts to restore file permissions based on file type, including nested items.

Permissions Reset can reset the owner, group, access permissions, Access Control Lists (ACLS), Extended Attributes (including Quarantine) to default settings, simply by dragging an app, folder or file into Permissions Reset, selecting what you'd like reset, then clicking on "Reset".

Permissions Reset uses the same permissions resetting engine as our premium post-build processor App Wrapper. Permissions Reset uses a prototype of our next generation file system cartographer, for more efficient scans of folders and apps, whilst setting the correct permissions for each file.

What’s new in version 2.0b8

Version 2.0b8:
  • Initial public release

Permissions Reset for Mac

In English
Version 2.0b8
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