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Push Hero for Mac

Powerful push notification testing tool.

In English
Version 2.2.6

Push Hero overview

Push Hero is a native macOS application written in pure Swift that allows us to easily test push notifications. Support latest APNS specification with intuitive explanation and validation.

  • Save and load many push templates, where each template can be for each app or different testing scenarios. Template has a name to easily identified
  • Support 2 authentication methods, namely key with p8 file and certificate with p12 file
  • Support drag and drop, so you can easily provide certfiicate and key files
  • Smart text view with auto completion for braces
  • Validate and show detailed errors so you catch issues early
  • Show success message with push id so you can easily track down
  • Many options, including push type for iOS 13, priority and environment

What’s new in version 2.2.6

  • Update duplicate entry logic
  • Other small improvements

Push Hero for Mac

In English
Version 2.2.6
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