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HomeVideoBracketing for GoPro Heros

Bracketing for GoPro Heros for Mac

HDR+Bracketing for GoPro Heros.

In English
Version 1.0.0

Bracketing for GoPro Heros overview

The Bracketing for GoPro Heros app allows you to capture bracketing series with GoPro® cameras. The images can then be used for example for HDR image stitching.


The app offers the following features.

  • Fast access to the camera via Bluetooth LE.
  • Create unlimited number of series presets and pictures.
  • Supports all photo modes, including night mode.
  • Individual settings for each bracketing picture, including min/max ISO, shutter time, EV, color mode, lens mode, white balance...

What’s new in version 1.0.0

Version 1.0.0:
  • Initial release

Bracketing for GoPro Heros for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.0
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