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Receigen for Mac

Code generator for App Store receipt validation.

In English
Version 4.2.1

Receigen overview

Receigen is a smart code generator for App Store receipt validation (both receipt and InApp purchase). The generated code is ready-to-integrate, pure C, fully debuggable and integrates various protection mechanisms to harden the reverse engineering. It also nicely integrates with Xcode for a streamlined build process.

Here are the key points:
  • Receigen can generate receipt validation code for OS X and iOS platforms.
  • Receigen can generate receipt validation code in Objective-C and Swift languages.
  • Receigen features a fast and smart code generator; every time the code is generated, it is different in order to defeat binary pattern detection.
  • The generated code allows to access all the receipt properties.
  • The generated code is compatible with ARC (Automatic Reference Counting).
  • The binary code produced is obfuscated by integrating various mechanisms like string and constant obfuscation, non-predictable branching, non-explicit function calls, dead-code, etc.
  • Receigen can also be invoked on the command line so it integrates inside a Xcode build process.

Check out the Receigen website for documentation, tutorial and support.

What’s new in version 4.2.1

Version 4.2.1:
  • Enabled StoreKit testing

Receigen for Mac

In English
Version 4.2.1
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