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Notarized? for Mac

Quickly check if an application is notarized.

In English
Version 1.0.8
Based on 1 user rate

Notarized? overview

Notarized? is the Poor Man's Substitute for the retired RB App Checker app that unfortunately stopped working under Big Sur. With Notarized, you can quickly check if an executable (application) is notarized and proper signed. Please note that it is not designed for packages (.pkg).

What’s new in version 1.0.8

Version 1.0.8:
  • Added support for macOS 12

Notarized? for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.8
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(1 Reviews of Notarized?)

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  • User Ratings

Oct 13 2020
Oct 13 2020
Version: 1.0.5
This could be useful but I found an error in the first app I looked at with Notarized? I examined the App Store version of BBEdit, which it correctly identifies as being from the App Store. It incorrectly says it is notarized, which App Store apps are not. It's a small error, and correctly idenfies some popular notarized apps, but I'm not certain how carefully the developer has error checked his app. A freeware app that correctly identifies this property is ArchiChect
Oct 13 2020
Oct 13 2020
Version: null