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Finicky for Mac

Set which browser is opened for every link or url.

In English
Version 3.4.0

Finicky overview

Finicky is a macOS application that allows you to set up rules that decide which browser is opened for every link or url. With Finicky as your default browser, you can tell it to open Facebook or Reddit in one browser, and Trello or LinkedIn in another.

  • Decide what urls to open in what browser or app
  • Edit urls before opening them
  • Complete control over configuration using JavaScript

What’s new in version 3.4.0

Version 3.4.0:
New feature:
  • This latest release contains new abilities to manage the configuration file
Bug fixes:
  • Fixed a bug where Finicky crashed when it couldn't get the name or bundle identifier from the opening application
  • Attempt at fixing an issue where Finicky couldn't tell if the browser was intended to be opened in the background or foreground

Finicky for Mac

In English
Version 3.4.0
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