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Cirrus for Mac

Takes control of iCloud, investigates and diagnoses its problems.

In English
Version 1.12

Cirrus overview

Cirrus has four main functions. It can download and evict (from local storage) items stored in iCloud so that you can manage them properly. It provides full details about files and folders held in iCloud. It performs a test file upload, which can help unstick pending uploads. It also provides specialised access to iCloud-related log activity. New iCloud Browser gets info straight from iCloud, works with Desktop & Documents Folders option, saves detailed reports, and runs on El Capitan too (except log feature).

What’s new in version 1.12

Version 1.12:
  • Cirrus version 1.12 and Taccy version 1.14 finally put to rest the problems which surfaced when Big Sur changed the rules for formatting of time, particularly when you don’t use a 24-hour clock. These new versions should be happy with a Buddhist calendar working to a 12-hour clock in Mongolian summer time. They should also detect any future problems which might arise should Apple change the behaviour of time formatting.
  • In addition to that, they incorporate similar substantial changes to those I made in Mints, which should significantly improve performance and reduce memory requirements when working with log extracts. This is the result of my refactoring the way that individual log entries are formatted for display.

Cirrus for Mac

In English
Version 1.12
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