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Zesture for Mac

Control your Music, Movies and Slides with Hand Gestures.

In English

Zesture overview

Zesture uses your laptop's camera to give you touch-free control over your media, entertainment and presentation applications (without any special hardware). It increases your productivity and makes your life easier and comfortable by letting you control your laptop/desktop from a distance.

Control media in the background

Zesture lets you control music and videos playing in the background using just your hand gestures, so you can continue using other apps without any interruptions. This means that you can play or pause a YouTube video that’s playing in the background or switch to the next song from your favorite music streaming service while you are checking your emails or doing some other work.

Control your screen from a distance

Zesture allows you to control your screen from upto 5 feet away. This means you can play, pause, fast-forward, and rewind movies and TV shows without having to go near your computer.

Groove to your favorite music while cooking

Meal prepping and cooking healthy foods are way more exciting with good music (especially when you’re picky and have dirty hands from cooking, but want a different song). Zesture allows you to control your music without the fear of your screen getting dirty.

Enjoy exercising while listening to music or watching videos

Zesture makes it really easy for you to move to the next workout video without having to stop your exercise, so you can focus on losing weight. You also don't have to worry about getting the screen dirty with your sweaty hands.

Control your Presentation staying away from your laptop

If you deliver presentations often, Zesture is for you. It lets you control your presentation slideshow with just a wave of your hand. No mouse - No remote clickers! It also frees up your hands to express yourself more freely when speaking. Next time when you deliver a presentation, use Zesture to grab the attention of your audience and amaze them by controlling your slides with hand gestures.

Privacy and Security

Using your webcam is totally safe. Gesture recognition is done locally on your computer and hence we don't record, save or send any images or videos at all. Your camera is turned off automatically after a certain period of inactivity (configurable via the app).

What’s new in version 0.0.1

Version 0.0.1:
  • Initial release.
View older Zesture versions

Zesture for Mac

In English
Version 0.0.1
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