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HomePhotographyPhotos Search

Photos Search for Mac

Scan all your photos in your photo library for text.

In English
Version 3.5

Photos Search overview

Photos Search can scan all your photos in your photo library for text. It uses Text Recognition software to find text in a photo. You can then search for text in your photos. It also includes a Photos Editing Extension to scan any photo for text in Apple Photos. Last but not least, you also get the iOS version for free.

You can scan a selected time period (7 days, 30 days, 60 days, etc.) or scan all your photos. Once a photo is scanned, you will not have to scan it again, so after a while you will have scanned your complete photos library and it will be ready to be searched instantaneously.

Photos Search integrates with the applications Photos and Maps to show you the found photo in detail and show you the physical location where the photo has been taken.

What’s new in version 3.5

  • You can now set a preferred language to fine-tune the scanned text in the photos. Supported are: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese.

Photos Search for Mac

In English
Version 3.5
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