JXCirrus Diary for Mac
Calendar and your to-do list.
Calendar and your to-do list.
Life can be very complex. Sometimes you find yourself staring at a 2-page to-do list wondering where to start.
JXCirrus Diary makes sense out of the chaos by taking your to-do list and calendar answering two important questions:
Enter your calendar and your to-do list, and JXCirrus Diary will fit them altogether into a complete plan for the next 9 months. It will try to make sure tasks are finished by their due date, and high priority tasks are finished first. Once it has this plan, it can tell you whether you can fit everything in, and what you ought to work on first.
At its most basic, JXCirrus Diary is a combination of calendar, to-do list, addressbook and journal. You can enter your list of jobs for the week, and tick them off as you finish them. It is nice and quick to enter the information, and JXCirrus Diary will warn you when tasks or appointments are due.
JXCirrus Diary will scale happily to full-sized projects with thousands of interrelated tasks. Use it at work to plan and track jobs months in advance. Use it at home to plan your big D.I.Y job. Self employed people can use it to plan and quote all upcoming work. Think of it as a personal project planning tool.
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