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ArKiwi for Mac

Lightweight and very fast file archiver.

In English
Version 4.0

ArKiwi overview

ArKiwi is a lightweight and very fast file archiver, where you can add, compress, extract, delete, password protect, and blazing fast search all your files.in a compact binary file system called ARA (ArKiwi Resource Archive). The ARA file is a file system with the capacity to accommodate theoretically unlimited numbers of files, of any size or type ( jpg, gif, avi, mpg, ogg, mov, txt, mp3, mp3, acc, doc, iso, etc) only limited by the free space available in your hard disk or storage device. Also, you can add or remove files from your ArKiwi archive at any time, ArKiwi will contract or expand dynamically the archive depending on your needs.

The ARA file is a 100% binary file, and because of that characteristic can be stored, modified, saved, readed & transmitted by any host system without data loss or its functionality in the process.

What’s new in version 4.0

Version 4.0:
  • Apple Silicon & Intel ready (Universal Binary)
  • Code optimizations
Version 3.2:
  • Fixes a ToolBar validation error
  • Code optimizations
Version 3.1:
  • Shareware edition, fully functional
  • You can print or save as PDF your list of archived files
  • ArKiwi is SandBoxed and notarized by Apple
  • Compatible with macOS Notification Center
  • New icons for ArKiwi and the ARA archives
  • Mayor code optimizations and refactoring
  • Faster, better, stronger !!
  • Several bug fixes

ArKiwi for Mac

In English
Version 4.0
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(1 Reviews of ArKiwi)

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  • User Ratings

Jun 7 2020
Jun 7 2020
Version: 3.1
Sorry, but this tool compresses files into it's own proprietary format - why would anyone want that? What are the advantages to using this over open source formats such as 7-zip? Until someone comes up with a convincing answer to these questions I'll stick with Keka.
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