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Epichrome for Mac

Create web-based Mac applications.

In English
Version 2.4.27

Epichrome overview

Epichrome lets you create web-based Mac applications compatible with the full range of extensions available in the Chrome Web Store. It includes an extension to route links to your default browser.

Epichrome is open source and a labor of love, made possible by the generosity of our Patreon patrons. If you find it useful, please consider supporting its continued development by joining them!

Technical Information & Limitations
  • Built and tested on macOS Catalina 10.15.4 and Google Chrome version 81.0.4044.138.
  • Apps built with Epichrome are self-updating. If you install a new version of Epichrome on your system, the next time you run one of your apps, it will find the new version and ask if you want to update it.
  • It's not currently possible to "edit" an app. The simplest solution right now is to simply delete the app and create a new one with whatever changes you want. If you want, you can then move the old app's browser settings to the new app's data directory.
  • On certain websites, buttons (or other non-A tag items) open links. The way Chrome handles these, the helper extension doesn't currently catch them, so can't redirect them. I'm looking at ways around this, but for now such links just open in the app. If you're experiencing this, there's an issue where you can add your input.

What’s new in version 2.4.27

New in this release:
  • Final version of Epichrome - there will be no more updates after this
  • Built-in engine updated to Brave 1.33.106
Fixed in this release:
  • Worked around removal of PHP in macOS 12 (Monterey) by changing PHP calls so users can try to limp by with a local PHP install

Epichrome for Mac

In English
Version 2.4.27
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