MJML for Mac
MJML desktop editor.
MJML desktop editor.
MJML is a lightweight app that makes responsive email smooth. You can now leverage the power of MJML directly from its official desktop app. Import and manage templates, edit your email with live rendering, customize your environment and send test emails straight from the app!
The presets section will provide a selection of the best community templates using MJML. If you want your template to appear in this section, please submit a pull request.
The MJML App supports out of the box all MJML features. You can see the result in the preview pane as you code, and resize it to see the responsive behaviour in real-time.
The live preview is pretty cool, but the app also provides a way to directly send test emails to your inbox to see the final email on your mobile, desktop and browser clients. You will need a free Mailjet account, with your API Keys, and a valid email address to be used as a sender and recipient.
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