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HomeDeveloper ToolsDevCleaner for Xcode

DevCleaner for Xcode for Mac

Free your disk space after using Xcode.

In English
Version 2.3.1

DevCleaner for Xcode overview

If you want to reclaim tens of gigabytes of your storage used for various Xcode caches - DevCleaner for Xcode is for you!

Xcode could store tens of gigabytes in ~/Library/Developer folder. Most of those cached files & symbols are not reclaimed over time and could consume a large amount of your storage, which is especially important if you have a relatively small SSD drive.

DevCleaner gives you an easy way to inspect auto-generated files and clean them if necessary. It could also remind you about scan after a while.

It includes a command-line tool that allows you to include cleaning in your scripts.

What’s new in version 2.3.1

  • Improvements on acquiring rights to "Developer" folder which may fix the issue for some people
  • Improvements for sorting device support files, now it taking build version into account, which should help sorting out OS beta versions
  • "Size" column in main window should be a little bit wider by default
  • UI Previews section is removed unfortunately, due to changes how they're stored, making them unavailable to delete without "admin" permissions (not available from app sandbox), they may return in the future though!
  • System icons updated (in Device Support section)
  • Checking for Xcode instance running, just in case as DevCleaner may cause strange issues when cleaning if Xcode is open
  • Help window is no longer blinking for a second in dark mode

DevCleaner for Xcode for Mac

In English
Version 2.3.1
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