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Sort My Items for Mac

Sorts the items in any folder.

In English
Version 1.0

Sort My Items overview

Sort My Items sorts the items in your Downloads folder or any other folder to subfolders with predefined file type collections.

As a result, you'll have an easier and faster task when you eventually are going through the items to decide what to do with them.

After the sorting is done, you'll find the target folder tidy and all of the contents sorted to the following folders:

  • Sorted Docs (.doc, .docx, .rtf, .txt, .rtfd, .pages, .odt)
  • Sorted Coding (.css, .scss, .js, .swift, .c, .perl, .sh, .po, .mo, .twig, .rst, .php, .html)
  • Sorted Folders (folders, non-recursive)
  • Sorted Images (.jpg, .jpeg, .png, .gif, .tiff, .ai, .bmp, .pxm)
  • Sorted Misc (everything else)
  • Sorted Movies (.mov, .mp4, .avi, .m4v, .xvid, .h264)
  • Sorted Packages (.zip, .dmg, .img, .pkg, .gz, .tar, .svg)
  • Sorted PDF (.pdf)
  • Sorted Spreadsheet (.xls, .xlsx, .numbers, .csv)
  • Sorted Presentations (.keynote, .ppt, .pptx, .pptm)

You can repeat the sorting as many times as you like. If there are any duplicates already sorted, we'll keep both and add the current date to the most recently sorted item.

Sort My Items for Mac

In English
Version 1.0
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