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OrganizerMax for Mac

File management app for Mac OS.

In English
Version 1.12.5
Based on 1 user rate

OrganizerMax overview

Organizer MaX is file management app for Mac OS.

OrganizermaX is an all-new version which has been thought from the ground up: it has got a very simple to use interface. It allows you to have delightful interactions, with your files, with a multitude of actions to organize them like add-tag, move to favorite folders and all that from a single convenient dashboard. Are you always stressed as you receive hundreds of files from co-workers, peers, friends, as downloads and email attachments and don’t have the time to organize them all? With time they become a clutter either in the downloads folder or the user’s desktop. OrganizerMax’s bit by bit approach this problem will get sorted once and for all. It hardly takes 10 minutes at the end of the day, or you may choose to get organized on the go as you receive the files. Now you will be free to enjoy all the free time while staying organized, as it takes care of all the heavy hauling for you

What’s new in version 1.12.5

Version 1.12.5:
  • Initial release

OrganizerMax for Mac

In English
Version 1.12.5
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(1 Reviews of OrganizerMax)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Feb 22 2020
Feb 22 2020
Version: 1.12.5
Too cluttered and too many features. I prefer their original version called Tag Explorer, but for some reason they got feature creep. I want a simple and easy to use program, I don't even know how you are supposed to use OrganizerMaX.
Feb 22 2020
Feb 22 2020
Version: null