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HomeSystem UtilitiesMirror Display Control

Mirror Display Control for Mac

Manage display mirroring.

In English
Version 1.3

Mirror Display Control overview

Mirror Display Control allows you to disable mirroring by default when you connect additional displays. It is a comprehensive menu-bar application for macOS. It lets you control how second displays should behave, meaning you can configure that second displays are automatically not mirrored. Additionally, you can enforce mirroring also for displays which previously had mirroring disabled. And of course, you can toggle the current mirror state directly in the menu bar. In addition, Mirror Display Control can be configured to launch at login. You do not have to worry about newly attached displays. They are always behaving as you have configured them.

What’s new in version 1.3

  • Ready for Apple Silicon.
  • Handle up to 5 external displays.
  • Option to keep built in display as the primary display.

Mirror Display Control for Mac

In English
Version 1.3
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