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HomeEducationLearningPsykinematix Student

Psykinematix Student for Mac

Visual psychophysics tool.

In English
Version 1.9.1

Psykinematix Student overview

Psykinematix Student is an OpenGL-based software package dedicated to visual psychophysics running on Macintosh computers only. Psykinematix consists in a unique stand-alone application that does not require any programming skill to create and run complex experiments. Easy to use, subject-friendly, powerful and reliable, Psykinematix calibrates your display, runs standard psychophysical protocols, generates and presents complex stimuli, collects subject's responses, and analyzes results on the fly. Psykinematix is also a great learning tool to introduce visual perception and to illustrate psychophysical concepts to students.

The published price is that of the Student edition. Psykinematix is also available in Standard and GPU editions. View full version-comparison info. View full pricing info.

What’s new in version 1.9.1

Version 1.9.1:
  • Spring Update: fix for the broken auto-update in v1.9

Psykinematix Student for Mac

In English
Version 1.9.1
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